Play Kwek Show

Who’s the winner?

Before there was the Voice of Holland, X-Factor and Idols, there was the Play Kwek Show at Duinrell. A range of acts battle to win the title of best band. Will it be Status Kwek or Banana KwaKwa? Who will you vote for?


Daily 10.30 a.m., 11.30 a.m., 12.30 p.m., 13.30 p.m., 14.30 p.m., 15.30 p.m. and 16.30 p.m.
And at 5.30 p.m. an extra show when the amusement park is open till 6 p.m.

Also great to visit!

Rick’s Feesthuis
Joke items and souvenirs
Kwakus Kwebbel Show
Sing and dance together
Bezig met laden