Access regulations for 2025/2026

Below are the access regulations for the period up to 19 March 2026.

Amusement park

During a stay at Duinrell, unlimited access to the open attractions is included. Please pay attention to the opening hours.

Access regulations Amusement park
Period Attractions opened
April t/m October All attractions opened daily
November t/m March Winter attractions open on weekends and holidays*

Tiki Pool

During a stay at Duinrell, you receive free or discounted access to the Tiki Pool, depending on your accommodation and duration of stay. Choose between indoor Tiki Pool or outdoor Tiki Pool (if open). Always check de actual opening hours.


Duingalow & Lodgetent
If you stay in a Duingalow, O'Hara or Lodgetent, you can visit the Tiki Pool for free. The table shows how often you have free access.


Camping guests pay €8,50 per person with discount vouchers instead of €22.50 for the indoor Tiki Pool, and €5,00 per person for the outdoor Tiki Pool.


A Tiki Pool visit must be reserved to avoid queues. You reserve a Tiki Pool visit per accommodation. Reservations for holiday guests from April to October are not possible between 16:00 and 19:00. Tickets and reservation information are provided upon arrival at Duinrell.


Additional Tiki Pool visits can be purchased through the ticket shop at regular prices (starting at €20.00 p.p.).


Please note that third party bookings are excluded from the above access arrangements.


Access regulations Tiki Pool
Duration Duingalow, O'Hara or Lodgetent Camping
1-2 nights 1 x free 1 x with discount
3-4 nights 2 x free 2 x with discount
5-6 nights 3 x free 3 x with discount
7-8 nights 4 x free 4 x with discount
9-10 nights 5 x free 5 x with discount

If you have booked the Oranjerie and/or the Residence, you can visit the Tiki Pool for free as often as you like.

Time of your visit
Time of year 25/26 Tiki Pool Indoor Tiki Pool Outdoor

Up to 2 November 2025

2 hours each time* 4 hours each time**
2 November up to 19 March 2026 3 hours each time* Closed

*You will also be given half an hour extra time per visit to change.

**Tiki Pool outdoors is opened during the summer when weather conditions allow it. Starting in May.

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